So it’s been a while. I’ve been thinking about what I want from BRBcoffee, and what you want, dear readers. That’s why I made that poll you see on your right. Sadly, the participation was low, and the results inconclusive. Therefore I turned to analytics, and found an interesting fact: You guys are crazy about unicorns.
Now, while I like unicorns, it’s not something I like to, or can, write about at length, so I choose to disregard that statistic, and instead I choose to focus on what I want, and what I want to give to the people who enter this humble corner of the web. Politics has taken an ever larger role in my life, as has music; I work at concerts at least once a week these days, and will be putting up more than a few of my own later this year.
The more perceptive among you will have gathered that I’m talking about a rebranding of sorts. We average at around 40 visitors per day now, and while I’m proud of those 40, I think we can go a lot bigger if we don’t spend quite so much time confusing them by writing with no coherence. When you blog, you’re supposed to focus on a niche, and if that’s a target, we’ve been shooting in the opposite direction, adding new authors and categories consistently, spreading ourselves thin. Most of our authors are what would be considered political radicals, and quite a few of us are in the Norwegian communist party, or it’s youth organization. You see where this is going, don’t you?
Now, without further ado, I present to you my glorious concept:
“BRBcoffee, the lives, thoughts, and coffeebreaks of the revolutionaries.”
Expect redesigns, fewer categories, and more offensive posts!
And now for a private public word with my cohorts. I know we’re not all revolutionaries, and some of you will probably disagree with this new concept. I’ll be sad to see you leave us for my egotism, and you’re more than welcome to stay and write. You can even write blatant right-wing propaganda, I’ll be happy for the discussion material. So, with me?
And to kick it all off, in Norwegian only, sadly, here’s my public speech on the data retention directive:
Ah, and our cat being cute.
Yes, our cat is also a revolutionary. Hers will be the claws that tear through the bullshit of the bourgeoise once and for all. Our cat is that badass. And her claws are very sharp. Seriously, ow.
Song of the blog: We Are Sex Bob-omb – Sex Bob-omb
Yours truly