Ahh, now that my day has been brightened, I must discuss some issues I am currently having with life.
I have this volunteer job where I do random shizack for an organization that shall remain nameless. Recently I have come to the realization that I’m in too bloody deep of water without even a popsicle stick as a paddle. I’ve been there for, eh, about 3 months doing odds and ends around the office and helping out at the occasional fund raising event (one particular event being the dinner auction from Hell by the way), when suddenly I have been tasked with organizing the huge annual summer party for 2011. Although I straight-up told my boss that I was uncomfortable with that much responsibility, I have somehow ended up as the Committee Chair of the whole event. So here I am, socially awkward little 20-year old Elaine, having to make cold calls to restaurants pleading for food donations and compiling reports on information that I don’t even have a damned clue about. I feel failure fast-approaching like a raven upon the wind!!
And that is why I have turned to the Biebs. I’ve been told his voice has the healing powers of Jesus, and to that I abide.
You smile….I smile….duu duduu duududud ududu…
I just need somebody to loooooooooooooo-o-ove!
(I have no idea if those lyrics are correct or if they are even from Justin Bieber songs, but it’s the best I got.)
Until further notice, I bid you all adieu and hope to not lose my mind.