… Please? And could you also stay away from Nestlé, McDonald’s, and L’oreal while you’re at it? It just so happens that these megacorporations fuel the Israeli settlement-machine, and hire only Israelis, plus they do some other nasty zionist stuffs. Anyway, that’s the dumbed down version of it, you can read a more eloquent one over at mpf.org.my.

Happy boycotting!
Now I know a lot of you don’t believe in personal boycotts, because you feel like it doesn’t affect such massive corporations at all, and I suppose you’re partially right, but the same argument is often used by anarchists for not using your vote during elections. Another argument that you get a lot is that there are so few doing the boycott, so it’s not like the election thing at all, but that’s just all the more reason to start! If your friends are doing a boycott, it’s a lot easier for you to follow, so someone just has to be the one to start.
And lastly, to those of you on the other (wrong) side in this issue, I’ll get back to you in a later blog post 🙂
Song of the blog: Long Live Palestine Part 1&2
Yours truly