Well I just found the most awesome website ever. It’s called TheWorstHorse.com and is dedicated to all things Buddhism-related in popular culture. It presents a mixture of genuinely-Buddhist and all-things-douchey-Buddhist products/things.

Two of my favorites:

“Zendough.com-” a credit score website dedicated to enlightening its customer with “the complete path to master[ing] their finances.” Pretty sure the last thing Siddhartha Gautama was thinking about back in the early 500’s B.C. was his credit score.

“Zencore-” the all natural male enhancement supplement. Why the devil “zen” was brought into such a thing is completely beyond me. Buddhist monks take an oath of celibacy, yes? So why is a fundamentally Buddhist concept, such as zen, being slapped upon a product entirely intended for sexual satisfaction?

God bless America: the home of the utterly fucked up and all things ridiculous (also applicable to Japan, but that’s an entirely different blog entry).

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