Greetings from the icy version of Hell! It is currently 8 degrees (that’d be about -13 for you Celsius folks) outside and I am chilled to the bone. Two winters ago, we had unprecedented snow-fall, last winter we had absolutely no snow, and this winter (oh wait, it isn’t even technically winter yet!) has already been colder than the past 30 winters on record! And they say global warming’s just a myth…
Onto another subject matter: shallow bitches. I have decided that there are too many men and women in this world who base “love” on physical attraction. First of all, I honestly do not understand how it is possible to be attracted to anyone based solely on their looks. It has been my own personal experience that the only way to light a fire in the ol’ loins is to get to know someone. Physical beauty is not very stimulating for myself, but things like intelligence, hilariousness, kindness, overall non-douchebaggery…that’s sexy. Second of all, most of the people who do base love on appearance have standards that are completely ridiculous. So you want a girl who looks like that model on the cover of Vogue? Guess what, even she doesn’t look that good- it’s called re-touching. Or maybe you want that dreamy hunk in the latest vampire flick you watched? Unfortunately, there’s a high possibilty that his muscles were painted on with spray-tan and he’s a self-absorped dickhead.
Le sigh…I’ve probably said this before in a blog of mine, but looks are so trivial in the long run! And I’m not just saying this because I am a short, strangely proportioned woman who sometimes has a jew-fro. I’m saying it because I know, firsthand, how whimsy attractiveness can be. Don’t we all? If someone is a jerk, they will start to become more and more ugly to us, and if someone is a sweetheart, they become more and more beautiful. This scenario I mentioned happens all the time, but I have yet to see someone who is a dick on the inside become nicer simply because they look good.
Oh, fuck it all! Let’s start a riot!
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