Hey there, young one. Do not fear, it is you from the future. I have perfected an awesome time machine, and come to give you some advice on your journey into adulthood!
You are about to embark on a journey through an inferior school system. You live in Norway, one of the worlds richest countries for reasons you don’t quite understand. Something about how black goo is awesome, but black people suck. Don’t worry about that, when you get older, your mind will tend to wander.
You will enjoy sports with your fellow classmates. But as you grow, you will realize the hierarchy in the school class. There is the alpha males and females (usually 2 or 3 of each), the gang that follows them like cattle (part of the cool gang), and the rest, who for all intents and purposes are known as loosers. You will be a socially awkward, weird-smelling nerd who nobody seems particularely interested in talking to. Except others like you. This is going to bother you somewhat, yet you will ultimately accept it.
At one point, you will start playing World of Warcraft. I’m not going to say don’t do it, because some of the people you meet there will change your life forever. Just be careful, and when your mother wants you to get away from the computer screen don’t bark at her and keep playing. She just cares for you.
As you grow, you are going to make many mistakes. You will do cruel things to people, you will steal, laugh at other peoples misfortunes, and not give a crap about anything. At one point, you will have a political epiphany and join RU. It’s going to change your life drastically. I only have one tip for you: When you get invited to join the SST, do it. Don’t wuss out. Your reasons for staying in Bodø are bogus, you will leave the town that same year anyways.
You are going to fall in love. Oh, how you will fall in love. It’s going to be magical. I’m not going to tell you when you first end up in a relationship, I will only say that it’s going to take alot longer than what you see around you. When it finally happens though, you will be happy. Briefly. You will be hurt, you will cry and you will try to drown your sorrows with homebrewed booze. My only tip for you, don’t get carried away. Do not trust blindly.
It’s going to be a long journey for you, little one. Your 19 years in Bodø will be filled with bad memories, good memories, laugher and crying. Good luck.
I got the idea for this from Elizabeth, a while ago she blogged about a letter she had written many years ago to her future self. This is a modification.
What would you tell your younger self, if you could?