I’d like to know why the authors on this blog seem to always write in sync with one another? We’re like women who have lived together for way too long and have our periods at the same time. Yes, I just compared BRBcoffee to menstruation. Booyah!
What I really want to write about today is….HALLOWEEN! Now, while I often look down upon the ways of “typical” Americans, I must confess that I am probably one of the worst when it comes to partaking in meaningless Halloween rituals. I honestly have almost no clue where the true origins of this holiday come from, nor what significance it holds in history, but that’s where Wikipedia comes in handy. To roughly summarize, it comes from the Celtic holiday known as “Samhain” which, “celebrates the end of the ‘lighter half’ of the year and beginning of the ‘darker half,’ and is sometimes regarded as the ‘Celtic New Year.’ ” The aforementioned Celts believed that the doors between this world and the “other” world became easier to pass through. They welcomed the good spirits and warded off the bad ones with costumes and masks. So, I guess that explains where the whole costume thing came from. Of course, if you were truly trying to honor the past, you could only wear scary costumes. That seems very limiting, no? I mean, if we had to adhere to those rules, you’d never be able to see me as Elton John (a costume which must wait one more year until I’m 21 and can therefore maximize its glory), and that’s a travesty that I just can’t live with.
So you know what I say? Screw those traditions! I want Halloween to be about ridiculous costumes, and massive amounts of candy which lead to obesity and cavities, and carving pumpkins into completely non-original faces and, and, and! And everything which brings joy! If you haven’t noticed, this world is kind of in the process of hitting the fan, so to speak, and so why not use a certain day every year to goof off and enjoy life? Ahhh, but it’s the devil’s holiday! Children that dress up as witches (AKA Christine O’Donnell, hahaha) are blasphemous! Lighten up, my hardcore Christian comrades. Halloween was founded upon an equally unbelievable platform as Christianity, but at least it’s not killing anybody in the process!
Anywhozille, I plan on spending this Sunday with my family, watching/re-creating Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” music video, eating some candy originally intended for trick-or-treaters, and simply enjoying the fact that Sarah Palin is not president.
Good day!
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