The things I appreciate in this world:
1.The beauty around me, whether it be people or places. Everything is beautiful.
2.Babies. (Especially Riley and Shelby and Harding!)
3.Good sentences. No matter if they are complex or simple, sentences are amazing.
4.My parents. They provide for me (for now) and will hopefully always support me (though I’m cut off financially in twelve months!)
5.My siblings. They’re my best friends and always have been. We have a relationship like no other family I know.
6.Douche bag Christians. Who else would I argue with?
7.Republicans. Who else would I argue with?
9.This here energy powering my computer and refrigerator and lights!
10.My darling friends who don’t hate me and don’t make me feel like crap every day.
11.Not being mauled by bears.
13.Ann Coulter.
14.The United Nations (good job on this peace, guys!)
15.The makers of South Park. I wouldn’t send them death threats for making fun of my Jesus!
16.Tea. I love tea.
17.Halloween costumes.
18.Metal. (The music and the hard stuff!)
20.Cell phones!
23.Social Darwinism.
24.AP History/AP Chemistry/AP English
25.Not being dumber than fuck.
27.Attractive men.
28.Unattractive men.
29.Mildly attractive men.
30.Not being an extremist!
31.Everyone who isn’t an extremist!
32.Grandaddy. He’s a good fellow.
33.Grandmother Burney. Even though she’s completely lost her mind and can’t remember anything and occasionally gets naked without realizing it, she’s still the nicest person I know.
34.Funny people.
35.People who will laugh at anything.
36.The person who made up the joke “What did the Leper say to the prostitute? Keep the tip!” (ISN’T THAT FUNNY?)
37.J Kade.
38.Karl Marx. Good man, good man.
40.People who speak coherently.
41.Parents who DON’T do everything for their kids.
42.College kids who don’t live with their parents.
44.The phrase “cock-block”
45.The Roman empire.
46.The Vatican. (How else can we waste our money?)
47.Not-ridiculously-skinny people.
48.Interracial babies. (They’re the cutest!)
49.Using my mind occasionally!

I told you I like babies.
I think this was a fitting blog with no real importance. Thanks for reading (or not), in the meantime, let’s figure out how to keep me from trying to have a baby in high school! (OHMYGOD THEY’RE SO CUTE!)
Love you (and especially babies!!),
Elizabeth <3