You know how most people think of themselves as uglier than they really are? Well, I think I suffer from the opposite syndrome. I think I’m cute [enough] in real-life and whatnot, but then I’ll see a picture of myself and the only words that come to mind are, “What the fuck?”
Exhibit A:

First of all, I'm the one on the right next to my gorgeous sister. Second of all, yes- I am smoking an invisible doobie.
Here’s the thing, I honestly do not believe I am as fat nor as manly as that picture makes me look. But then again, they do say that a picture never lies…and judging by the fact that I haven’t been truly hit on in, oh, 20 years, I’m beginning to wonder if this is the real me? No no, that’s just depressing.
Maybe I suffer from the lesser-known syndrome of never, ever, being able to take a halfway-decent photo. That would explain it all! Except for the not-having-been-hit-on thing, but that’s beside the point. As Vegard once said, Americans just don’t know awesome when they see it!
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