Tonight is an amazing night! Not only is there a lunar eclipse taking place, it is also the Winter Solstice! Does that not blow your mind? Well maybe the outfit I wore whilst standing out in the street viewing the eclipse a few moments ago will:

Oh yeah, that’s a plaid fleece night shirt with snow boots and an over-sized jacket. It’s called being sexy.

Apparently this type of celestial event last occurred some 400 years ago, therefore I do declare it a magical happening. Of course, it’s so cloudy here in my neck of the woods that even seeing the moon was nearly impossible, but sure enough I caught a glimpse and therefore can claim to have seen the 2010 lunar eclipse. Take that, bitches!

On a side note, isn’t it great when you’re closer with people on Facebook than you ever have been and ever will be in real life? Ahh, it makes me laugh.

Nighty night!

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