One of our time’s most annoying problems. The idea that women are inferior to men has existed for ages. It is an archaic idea, and completely unnecessary in our society, yet we cling to it like it’s the only flotation device on a sinking ship. The reasons for keeping it are obvious, capitalists profit from it. If they can employ someone who will do the same job as any other man, and still pay that person less for no real reason, they’d have to be dim to give away that possibility.
Capitalism needs to oppress people to work. If you can’t pay someone less than someone else, the system starts to crumble, and you’re starting to approach socialism! Assigning a lower worth to fifty percent of a world is a very clever tactical decision. They can deny them access to education, they can keep them sexually un-enlightened, and thus increase the working class numbers even more by making these women indisposed towards sending their children to school. It’s all very neatly sewn together to form a highly profitable circle. And the problems are many.
Only one percent of society’s goods are owned by members of the opposite sex. Women on average only earn roughly 80 percent of what men do in one of the richest countries in the world, for the exact same amount of work. Mothers are expected to stay home with their children, and men are expected to work and provide for his family, further increasing the difference between the sexes. This hurts the man too, it causes him to see less of his own child.
Women are used as objects in the media, and our ideas of what women are supposed to look like are twisted into something perverse. Porn, possibly the most un-feministic product ever, exploits women, further adds to the idea that women are nothing but objects, simply there for man’s pleasure. I’m not saying that all porn is like this, but on a whole it’s not a very benevolent business.
When there has to be laws that state the minimum percentage of women that have to be in any administrative body, you know something is terribly wrong. These laws in themselves are provocative! The disrespect that they show for the female sex is astounding. It forces businesses to put women where they might not even want to be, and when something goes wrong they have someone to put the blame on, and they can say that she’s simply there because of regulations. When people think that having a lower pay than them makes a person girly, something needs to be done! All these things that I’ve mentioned are characteristics of what, class? Correct you are, segregation. We’ve moved past that, somewhat, so how come this barrier still remains?
There are those who say that what we have now is as good as it gets, that we should simply pack our things and stop whining, and that we should instead celebrate what we’ve achieved.
Those people are stupid (forgive me Frost.) What we’ve achieved in some parts of the world only shows a glimpse of what we’re capable of. Feminism doesn’t mean worshipping either sex, it means reason.
What we need is a world-wide serious attitudinal change. First the realization that women are being suppressed everywhere. Second that this is ridiculous, an ancient custom that is completely superfluous in the 21st century. Then the abolition. If this were a perfect world, these things would just happen, and everything would be alright, but alas. So there are measures that need to be taken. If I were to write all of them here, I’d be here forever, so I’ll write some of the more important and simple ones.
Porn has to go (sorry guys and gals.) Advertisements have to inform that the actors have been “modified” to look different than they actually do. Attitude campaigns need to be launched. Schools need to educate on this matter. The regulations need to be revised, and probably removed, but that is not up to me, they might be necessary, sadly.
The simplest way of achieving anything on this matter is to vote for socialists. If capitalism disappears, so do most of the reasons for maintaining the sexual apartheid.
Song of the Blog: Satellite