People tend to think that fears are irrational. I disagree. If something hurts you, you probably should fear it. For instance, when wasps sting you, they effin’ hurt! So, in order to avoid that pain next time, one remembers the alarm of the last time and therefore avoids the agent of pain (in this case, wasps…evil little things).

Proof that Satan is alive and well.

I just returned from a harrowing dental experience. I’m going to be honest, my pain tolerance is nothing to be proud of. I winced and jerked around (like a dying fish I suppose) while they worked on my raw nerve. I left the office feeling a little violated. However, now I understand why people fear going to the dentist: pain will most likely be involved and our bodies know this. Our instinct screams at us to run, far far away, yet we have to overrule that instinct and go to our scheduled doom.

I suppose fears are simply a part of a healthy human psyche. However, like all things in life, they can sometimes be so extreme that they interfere with a normal life. This is when they are a problem and help should be sought. Until that time, remember why it is you fear what you do, and don’t forget to include your brain in making the ultimate decision of whether or not you avoid it- unless you’re talking about wasps, by all means run like hell from those!

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These things are like crack cocaine to me! If Michael Jackson came down and sang to me, “Don’t stop til you get enough!” I would respond with, “I CAN NEVER GET ENOUGH!”

I have a weakness for all things caramel and these things, these things! are caramel-chocolaty goodness. Actually, it’s probably a really crappy quality chocolate and caramel, but my lord it is delicious.

Upon reviewal of this and Vegard’s previous blog, I have decided that BRBcoffee should henceforth be all about food-related topics. Yeah yeah, Israel/Palestine and world issues, what matters is Rolos and sweet chili sauce!

Good day, sir!

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This entry is simply to pay my respect to the most awesome invention ever: sweet chili sauce!

I am not entirely sure what ingredients it consists of, probably something sweet and a pinch of chili. But it is so ridiculously, amazingly delicious that I do not care! It could contain the souls of babies, and I would still enjoy it!

AAAGH FISHSTICKSImagine the following dinner: cheap, store-bought fish sticks, and a dull, store-bought 1-minute bag of mashed potatoes that regularly tastes like plastic. Sounds awful!! But with the addition of sweet chili sauce, it became so amazingly yummy, i hardly know how to describe it.

Sweet chili sauce is AWESOME!




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Real communists are up at 3:30 in the morning because they just finished editing the minutes from the previous meeting. Real communists will also make it to class on time tomorrow, because that’s just how real communists roll.

communist military with flag
Pictured: Real communists, rolling… to their programming lecture.
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You’re Welcome.

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