Posts Tagged ‘seinfeld’
Good evening!
Since my last entry, not much has changed in my life. School hasn’t started, politics has not picked up (as I am as of writing this without any positions or duties), and I am starting to.. STARTING TO! Get bored. Wow, understatement of the year. Well, it’s early in the year so I shouldn’t gamble about. At least understatement of the week.
So what have I been doing? Well, I have read the first book in the Emperor-series by Conn Iggulden, which tells the story of Julius Caesars life as a series of novels. It is historically accurate, and where it isn’t the author lets you know what he had to change and why (usually for story-telling purposes, like fictional characters to fill the voids that history has left open, or wars changed to fit with the storyline of the book and stuff). It is awesome! I have learned stuff, like how both the title Kaiser and Tsar derive from Caesar. What a magnificent man he must have been, to have his very surname come to be synonymous with king. Dude!
Yes yes. I have also played a good deal of GTA IV, seen the entire 10 seasons of F.R.I.E.N.D.S, and today i spent 3 hours organizing my music folder. See, my girlfriend is, to put it lightly, more into music than me. So she gave me all the music she has on her computer. My 6.6 gb library suddenly exploded into a messy 82 gb one!! Well, I have yet to listen to half of the music, and yet I have already found several artists to love. But the folders were uncategorized and messy!! I fixed it. Neat and orderly. Very nice. Mjes.

Actually I am listening to Bob Dylan right now, but I googled "bored" and found this frog!
I have also watched all the seasons of Black Adder (awesome!!), the first season of My Name is Earl, a few episodes of seinfeld and a bunch of other movies. I really need life to pick up! Give me studies and politics before I go insane!! Sorry about the long entry about boredom. That couldn’t have been fun to read.