Posts Tagged ‘chrome os’
Hello world.
So, today I read that Googles Chrome OS will be delayed by several months. As one of the nerds that have been looking forward to this day like children waiting for Christmas day, I got very sad. So after a short google search, I ended up at Hexxeh`s Chrome OS site, which has a bunch of readily compiled Chrome OS images ready for download, with easy-to-follow instructions on how to install it.

Just look at that beautiful logo..
So here I am sitting on a beta-version of Chrome OS. It is by no means bug free, my settings tab does nothing, my keyboard has no Norwegian layout so i have to turn to trickery and deceit to type typical Norwegian letters, and internet seems to only work when it wants to. For orders sake, shall add that my computer is a netbook, of the Acer Aspire One, 532h persuasion.
Despite this, I really look forward to the day when I can use this delicious OS as my main OS. Woo!
Peace out, sauerkraut