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Sorry about the slip-up yesterday, it won’t happen again.

Now I hope you’ve had enough time since the last political post, and that you’re ready for some more food for thought. Ready? Let’s go.
Right now I’m working, and waiting, for the revolution. Which revolution is that you ask? Why, the one that shall topple the mighty capitalists of course! We must break the shackles of the working class and move forward. So much technology is being withheld, so many people are living in poverty, even in the world’s richest countries, and all for the sake of a few rich people who benefit from it. We must break this dangerous system, and we must move on to socialism.
Why socialism?
Socialism is the perfect system for replacing capitalism. Compared to capitalism, which has become a reactionary system, socialism is now the most revolutionary idea. It is based on the working class and government control, which is pretty much the opposite of capitalism, which is based on rich people and privatization. Socialism suggests ideas which capitalists hate, such as equal pay for equal work, government controlled production, production to match needs, etc.
If you throw the first idea at a sworn capitalist he will laugh at you and claim that obviously people need to be paid exponentially more if they have any measure of responsibility. The problem is that the amount of responsibility is inversely proportional with the amount of work done. Is it fair that the construction worker makes next to nothing, while they guy in an office receiving calls earns millions, even if he does a terrible job? Why should he earn more than the man who actually does work for him?
The second and third ideas should be obvious. Under capitalism the owner of a business if free to produce whatever he feels like, whether people need it or not. If what he produces doesn’t sell, he can quit and start a new project. This wastes a lot of resources, and there are no regulations. Anyone is free to produce anything that he thinks there is a demand for. This works for those who can afford it, but someone always gets exploited, workers are underpaid so as to achieve maximum profit. At the same time people demand a lot of unnecessary things, because of our materialistic society, where our status is determined by the amount of stuff we have. With socialism it’s all government controlled, if there is a need for it, resources are dedicated to produce it, else it is voted against and the resources are used for useful things instead. They say competition leads to innovation. This is wrong, funds lead to innovation, and as described in a previous post, the competition has failed.
Doesn’t socialism equal dictatorship?
No! Real socialism is one hundred percent democratic. A lot of people have criticized may socialist states as being dictatorships, and I’m one of them, but I refuse to call them socialist states. Again, this can’t be stressed enough, socialism is the system of the people who are now called the working class. In reality it is a classless society, there is no higher class, thus there can be no bastard sitting on the top of everything making decisions against the will of the people.
But history has proven that it is impossible!
So because we’ve tried and failed before, we should just give up? A socialist society is the ideal society, and it’s worth working for. If everyone gave up after having failed once women would not have the right to vote, segregation would still be in effect, if not slavery. Computers would not exist, physics would not exist, math would be at a very primitive stage, and we would still have feudalism as our governing system.
What can I do?
Vote Red! No, the Labour Party is not good enough, social democrats and capitalists the lot of them. They want to combine socialism with capitalism, but they’re opposites, it is impossible. Oh sure, we’ve got “hybrid” systems all around, but what’s the point of using elements from socialism to fuel capitalism? How does that break down the class system? If you’re ready to join the socialist ranks you need to go buy you some red flags, and vote blood red. If you’re in the US you protest as loudly as possible against the bipartisan system thing you’ve got going, and boycott the elections. It’s not like the public vote matters anyways, it’s all about the delegates.
Is that it?
No, but that is as deeply as I will get into it in this post. I could write books on the subject, but they already exist. If you want to hear more: buy the Communist Manifesto.
Song of the Blog: The People’s Flag is Palest Pink
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It was ok I guess.

Song of the Blog: Oh, you’re not satisfied with that? Well neither am I.
To start us off, the action-curve of this movie is way off. It does not belong in a movie at all! I guess they were trying to stay true to the novel, but you can’t just put a novel in a movie and think that it’ll work! This entire movie builds up to one point, which is really good, that’s how movies are supposed to be built, with everything leading up to the peak, or turning point if you wish. The problem was that the point that is built up to in the movie is not the turning point of the story! After the major event occurs, I’m sitting there thinking, that’s it? That doesn’t solve anything! It doesn’t explain anything either! What the heck! And so on. I can’t believe that that is the end, and I’m correct, of course it isn’t the end, but it feels like one, and that really is a problem. The event that seemed like the major turning point, expositionally speaking, didn’t even feel important at all! It’s just feels malplaced, like it should have been shown as a small side-note. This all leads to a more confusing than pleasing experience.
But the fighting makes up for it! The fight-scenes are so radically bad-ass that it completely redeems any mistakes in the dramatic structure. I guess I should really attribute this to DC Comics, but the coreographers must have had a hell of a job bringing all the characters’ specialties shine like they did. Again, whilst fearing to repeat myself, the fighting in this movie is awesome.
The characters I’m not so sure about. Nite Owl just seems like a cheap Batman ripoff who gave his growl away to another character, Rorschach, a mysterious fellow who had his moments of pure awesomeness. There’s the narcissistic Comedian, whose death starts off the movie yet he still manages to be a major character, and the slutty Silk Spectre. I don’t really have to delve any deeper into these characters to talk about them, these characteristics define them well enough, they are not deep at all. The more interesting ones are Ozymandias and Dr. Manhattan, though the latter was proven pathetically simple towards the end. Ozymandias is a sneering intellectual bloke, trying to fix the world at whatever the cost, and Manhattan a failed energy experiment whose only effects seem to have been that they made Manhattan very very smart, enabling him to recompose himself after having been torn to shreds, and then understanding quantum mechanics. All over they are a shallow bunch with epic fighting skills and blue wangs.
Yes, blue wangs. If there is one thing you need to be prepared for before watching this movie it is the extraordinary amount of shiny blue penises you will be seeing. For whatever the reason, Dr. Manhattan is bright shining blue, and he doesn’t care about much, so he walks around naked. He feels the need to duplicate himself every now and then, and so there are times when there are several blue shining penises on the screen at once! One might think that the crew were using dirty tricks to get the record of most penises displayed in a hollywood movie ever. There is cheezy sex smeared all over this title, but this is fine, it’s 2009, I think we can all handle a couple of awkward moments.
Now the ending is what really leaves me feeling unsatisfied. I heard someone say that they’d changed it a little bit? Well I hope the original was way better, this one was just so dull. It seems like there are no consequences, and it’s put completely in the shadow of the previous “ending,” making the real ending seem even less important. The moral seems to be that it doesn’t matter at all whether the good guys or the bad guys win, everything is just rosy afterwards in either case. I’m not saying that the classical good beats bad ending is always how it should go, but at least make the alternative ending have alternative effects, please!
Song of the Blog: Blue (Da Ba Dee)
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Wow, it is really cold outside! And if I don’t write this blog soon I won’t have any credibility on the daily update thing now will I? Well, I’ve got my candy now, so I should be pretty much set.

Well children, I figured I should move away from the trivial journal-like stuff, and get into something more serious, just so you can think about it and not notice that I won’t be updating while I’m away next week… So we’ll start going into politics, and right now I’ll just simply outline the basic idea of what is going on in today’s world.
Here’s to capitalism! Capitalism used to be a revolutionary idea, it changed everything and promoted growth, from the slow ways of trading that they had in the very beginning to huge industrial capitals. Most of you might know that capitalism builds on, and constantly centers around, competition. How many times this week have you heard the phrase “we need to promote healthy competition!” They claim that it leads to innovation because if one business doesn’t come up with something new, another one will, and render the other one bankrupt.
While this sounds very good in theory, does it actually work? It used to, back in the day, that’s for sure, we saw an incredible technological advances, and we think that we still see these things, but is it not a fact that the military has equipment that’s way ahead of our time? This can be rationalized, but you don’t have to look at the military, just look at other countries, and they’re at a completely different stage! You’d think that healthy competition would make all the parts pretty much equals at this point, so where has it gone wrong? Yes, you in the back?
What’s up is that if companies were to just jump ahead to their next big technological advance, well then they’d be there, and then they’ll have to start looking into new things every time. So instead of doing this they’re looking for ways to make the most money while neither jumping ahead nor losing to the opposition. This is where they start talking to the other competitor, and they agree to not release their new technology so long as the other one doesn’t either, and they’ll rather advance slowly, giving out new products with slight upgrades at a frequent pace. This way they all seem to be advancing, they all get filthy rich, because we keep buying new stuff. Stuff is essentially what capitalism builds on, stuff and money. It’s a competition for who can get the most money and buy the most, and biggest, stuff. Capitalism makes heavy use of the class system. There are workers and there are upper class people. Many of the upper class people live off of the work of workers that are employed by them, while they themselves do next to nothing, and yet the upper class people make tons more money! Damped capitalists! You say they bear great responsibility, and granted, some do, but should they be paid millions stacked on top of millions for responsibility alone? And should they be given astronomical bonuses when the company’s economy, for which they were responsible, plummets? No!
I could digress into the stock market, and probably will, but I will do that in another blog. Right now I need to define a word which some might not be familiar with. Reactionary means, according to wikipedia, a description of something which opposes change, a definition which is pretty much correct.
Capitalism was, as I have mentioned, a revolutionary idea. Laissez faire and competition, supply and demand, these were crazy ideas back in the feudal days, but was so powerful that the feudal lords could not prevent it from taking over and making their old system obsolete. Back then, feudalism was a reactionary force, opposing that which would spur growth. But is there such a force today?
Isn’t there such a system that causes the withholding of information that would greatly benefit the masses? A system that makes it so we can only have environment friendly energy and transportation little by little?
So what is the solution?

Song of the Blog: Still Alive (The Portal Song)
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I’m here! I’ve done it now! I’ve got to write my senior project in two days, and as usual I go right ahead and start something new at the time that fits the worst into my schedule. That’s how I roll, I suppose, I fill my schedule to the breakingpoint, and then enjoy watching the effects of trying to put just one more drop into the glass. Will I manage? I think I will, I’m not so weak, I’m incapable of stress, so I should be fine. I’m also incredibly good at writing papers, so I’ll probably pull this one off with flying colors! Still though, wish me luck.

I’ve put all my MySpace blogs on here, for your reading pleasure!

Song of the blog: Power Trip Ballad. Yes, you’ve turned me, I hereby officially approve of Maria Mena, I hope you’re happy.


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Okay, so unless you really love corny clichés and less than good acting, do NOT, under ANY circumstances let yourself be subjected to Dragon Wars. I don’t care how much of a hardcore wapanese/korean fanboy/geek/whatever you are, this movie is just terrible!

When I was halfway done watching it, the player said something along the lines of “skipping destroyed data” or whatever, and I had half a mind to just stop in the middle of the movie rather than fix the problem, and in hindsight I wish I had. This explains why it wasn’t in any theaters… The music is ok, I’ll give it that. The idea sounds good enough, Dragons are destroying cities, sounds like something I’d enjoy to death, but alas, terrible acting and gaps in the plot/logic of the movie destroys any hope.

The first cgi rendered scene in the movie, where it really gets the chance to stun me back into liking this movie, looks like something I could make in Windows Movie Maker, honestly. The rest of them aren’t that bad really, but the first one kind of ruined it anyways…

And the names they’ve chosen, man, come on! The good and bad Imoogis? Imoogi? For fuck’s sake! That sounds like a cute little fluffy thing from Final Fantasy! What was the evil dragon’s name again, oh wait, right, IT’S NOT EVEN A FUCKING DRAGON! It’s a serpent that has the chance of becoming a “celestial dragon from Heaven”, whatever the Hell that means. These apparently come about every 500 years or so, along with, bah, I’m not even gonna explain the story, it’s too shitty… Celestia Dragons of Heaven? As far as I know, there’s only been one, and Samael sort of lost a LONG effing time ago… IMOOGIS! Damn! It amazes me how easy it is to make money if you’ve already got it nowadays…

There’s this one scene where Sarah Daniels walks out of a bar, and is about to be sexually molested by three dudes who appear to be mutes or neanderthals, when The Old Dude, the warrior from Heaven, walks into the scene from nowhere, with his back bent into a ridiculous parody of being imposing and scary, beats the dudes around, and then walks of looking exactly like he did when he entered… It might be worth mentioning that none of the surrounding scenes have any relevance to the plot either, no, they’re just dead time with more terrible acting and fewer moogles.

And why the HELL did they include that totally useless zoo guard? Never in my life have I seen a less relevant character in a story! And when Ethan (the prota(rd)gonist) just pulls Sarah’s picture out of 2700 and says “That’s her! That’s the one!” About a woman he has never seen before in his entire life! He mentions the birthdate, which she is bound to share with a bunch of girls in there, and it never says that the date had to be some exact date to begin with! The whole thing sounds like one of my rants to myself, where nothing needs explaining because I already know myself pretty well, and the scriptwriter just forgot that everyone else doesn’t.

This here is getting very long and very pointless, because I stated the most important point in the very beginning, DO NOT GET THIS MOVIE! NO! Do NOT!!

Song of the Blog: Mosh.


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