
I just returned from my last exam for the year, and I need to vent.

I just finished my exam in a course called Examen Facultatum, the study of social science and ethics. If you are one of the people who have talked to me about this in the past weeks, I will have complained about how mindnumbingly dull this course is, but that is beside the point.

You see, this course, like all the others, gives 10 study points. One year in Norwegian college = 60 study points. So. I just came from a 4 hour exam, which I finished in 7 minutes. And to top it off, I am afraid that I wrote TOO MUCH! We were given a list of about 80 questions from the curriculum. Some general, like what is an empirical study, and some specific, like what does Thomas Kuhn say about scientific revolutions. These 80 questions our lecturer went through in the final lecture, and he told us that we would get about 8 of these questions as the exam.

So what have I been doing the past few days? Memorizing 80-ish questions. On my exam i got 9 questions. !0 minutes later I was finished. I then spent 20 minutes picking my nose and farting, then left.

What the fuck! Is this shit what passes for academia these days? I am aware of the fact that the college in Bodø is a B-school. One of my lecturers said so himself. But come on, if you keep shit like THIS, you will always stay a shit school.

At college you are supposed to understand your curriculum, and be able to use it. Not just repeat simple answers like a fucking robot!


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