Tomorrow, I head to ye ol’ town of Dayton in order to help prepare for my, let me think a minute, third cousin’s funeral. I mentioned her in an earlier, emo blog, but I think I have come to terms with her death and whatnot and so I’m feeling much better about things. I don’t know if it’s wrong of me to say this, but I’m actually kind of looking forward to the funeral. It’s going to be the closest thing my paternal side of the family- scratch that, they are my only extended family- has had to a family reunion in years upon years. By no means are we a large family, but it seems like people used to make more of an effort to get together on the holidays and such. For one thing, everybody started dying off. For a second thing, everyone moved away. The only ones left in Dayton are my grandmother and great-grandmother. Anyways, I miss it and so I’m looking forward to seeing everyone, be that moral or immoral of me to say.

In other news, Sarah Palin is a 10th cousin of Barack Obama. Crazy times, yes? What I want to know is how the devil they can trace back that far. I think most of us would be lucky if we could trace back 3-4 direct generations, let alone know all the cousins and distant relations that correspond to each. Mayhap the world of political breeding is similar to that of Royalty- it’s a small pool and inbreeding is bound to occur. Mayhap that is why they are all so fucked up in the head…

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