Sorry about the slip-up yesterday, it won’t happen again.
Now I hope you’ve had enough time since the last political post, and that you’re ready for some more food for thought. Ready? Let’s go.
Right now I’m working, and waiting, for the revolution. Which revolution is that you ask? Why, the one that shall topple the mighty capitalists of course! We must break the shackles of the working class and move forward. So much technology is being withheld, so many people are living in poverty, even in the world’s richest countries, and all for the sake of a few rich people who benefit from it. We must break this dangerous system, and we must move on to socialism.
Why socialism?
Socialism is the perfect system for replacing capitalism. Compared to capitalism, which has become a reactionary system, socialism is now the most revolutionary idea. It is based on the working class and government control, which is pretty much the opposite of capitalism, which is based on rich people and privatization. Socialism suggests ideas which capitalists hate, such as equal pay for equal work, government controlled production, production to match needs, etc.
If you throw the first idea at a sworn capitalist he will laugh at you and claim that obviously people need to be paid exponentially more if they have any measure of responsibility. The problem is that the amount of responsibility is inversely proportional with the amount of work done. Is it fair that the construction worker makes next to nothing, while they guy in an office receiving calls earns millions, even if he does a terrible job? Why should he earn more than the man who actually does work for him?
The second and third ideas should be obvious. Under capitalism the owner of a business if free to produce whatever he feels like, whether people need it or not. If what he produces doesn’t sell, he can quit and start a new project. This wastes a lot of resources, and there are no regulations. Anyone is free to produce anything that he thinks there is a demand for. This works for those who can afford it, but someone always gets exploited, workers are underpaid so as to achieve maximum profit. At the same time people demand a lot of unnecessary things, because of our materialistic society, where our status is determined by the amount of stuff we have. With socialism it’s all government controlled, if there is a need for it, resources are dedicated to produce it, else it is voted against and the resources are used for useful things instead. They say competition leads to innovation. This is wrong, funds lead to innovation, and as described in a previous post, the competition has failed.
Doesn’t socialism equal dictatorship?
No! Real socialism is one hundred percent democratic. A lot of people have criticized may socialist states as being dictatorships, and I’m one of them, but I refuse to call them socialist states. Again, this can’t be stressed enough, socialism is the system of the people who are now called the working class. In reality it is a classless society, there is no higher class, thus there can be no bastard sitting on the top of everything making decisions against the will of the people.
But history has proven that it is impossible!
So because we’ve tried and failed before, we should just give up? A socialist society is the ideal society, and it’s worth working for. If everyone gave up after having failed once women would not have the right to vote, segregation would still be in effect, if not slavery. Computers would not exist, physics would not exist, math would be at a very primitive stage, and we would still have feudalism as our governing system.
What can I do?
Vote Red! No, the Labour Party is not good enough, social democrats and capitalists the lot of them. They want to combine socialism with capitalism, but they’re opposites, it is impossible. Oh sure, we’ve got “hybrid” systems all around, but what’s the point of using elements from socialism to fuel capitalism? How does that break down the class system? If you’re ready to join the socialist ranks you need to go buy you some red flags, and vote blood red. If you’re in the US you protest as loudly as possible against the bipartisan system thing you’ve got going, and boycott the elections. It’s not like the public vote matters anyways, it’s all about the delegates.
Is that it?
No, but that is as deeply as I will get into it in this post. I could write books on the subject, but they already exist. If you want to hear more: buy the Communist Manifesto.
Song of the Blog: The People’s Flag is Palest Pink