Wow, it is really cold outside! And if I don’t write this blog soon I won’t have any credibility on the daily update thing now will I? Well, I’ve got my candy now, so I should be pretty much set.

Well children, I figured I should move away from the trivial journal-like stuff, and get into something more serious, just so you can think about it and not notice that I won’t be updating while I’m away next week… So we’ll start going into politics, and right now I’ll just simply outline the basic idea of what is going on in today’s world.
Here’s to capitalism! Capitalism used to be a revolutionary idea, it changed everything and promoted growth, from the slow ways of trading that they had in the very beginning to huge industrial capitals. Most of you might know that capitalism builds on, and constantly centers around, competition. How many times this week have you heard the phrase “we need to promote healthy competition!” They claim that it leads to innovation because if one business doesn’t come up with something new, another one will, and render the other one bankrupt.
While this sounds very good in theory, does it actually work? It used to, back in the day, that’s for sure, we saw an incredible technological advances, and we think that we still see these things, but is it not a fact that the military has equipment that’s way ahead of our time? This can be rationalized, but you don’t have to look at the military, just look at other countries, and they’re at a completely different stage! You’d think that healthy competition would make all the parts pretty much equals at this point, so where has it gone wrong? Yes, you in the back?
What’s up is that if companies were to just jump ahead to their next big technological advance, well then they’d be there, and then they’ll have to start looking into new things every time. So instead of doing this they’re looking for ways to make the most money while neither jumping ahead nor losing to the opposition. This is where they start talking to the other competitor, and they agree to not release their new technology so long as the other one doesn’t either, and they’ll rather advance slowly, giving out new products with slight upgrades at a frequent pace. This way they all seem to be advancing, they all get filthy rich, because we keep buying new stuff. Stuff is essentially what capitalism builds on, stuff and money. It’s a competition for who can get the most money and buy the most, and biggest, stuff. Capitalism makes heavy use of the class system. There are workers and there are upper class people. Many of the upper class people live off of the work of workers that are employed by them, while they themselves do next to nothing, and yet the upper class people make tons more money! Damped capitalists! You say they bear great responsibility, and granted, some do, but should they be paid millions stacked on top of millions for responsibility alone? And should they be given astronomical bonuses when the company’s economy, for which they were responsible, plummets? No!
I could digress into the stock market, and probably will, but I will do that in another blog. Right now I need to define a word which some might not be familiar with. Reactionary means, according to wikipedia, a description of something which opposes change, a definition which is pretty much correct.
Capitalism was, as I have mentioned, a revolutionary idea. Laissez faire and competition, supply and demand, these were crazy ideas back in the feudal days, but was so powerful that the feudal lords could not prevent it from taking over and making their old system obsolete. Back then, feudalism was a reactionary force, opposing that which would spur growth. But is there such a force today?
Isn’t there such a system that causes the withholding of information that would greatly benefit the masses? A system that makes it so we can only have environment friendly energy and transportation little by little?
So what is the solution?

Song of the Blog: Still Alive (The Portal Song)
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