What might be the most awesome research ever is being carried out right now, in Japan of course. Who else, besides these horny midgets would be able to do something like this? For the time being they’re not quite at that level yet, but they’ve managed quite extraordinary things already, and those people are quick!

If your norwegian isn’t too shabby, you can read about it here.

Basically what they’re doing is they’re scanning people’s heads with modified MRIs, while showing them patterns in black and white. The computers they use then try to reconstruct the image based on electrical signals recorded in the subject’s brain! The recorded image that is shown at the time that I am writing this article is scrambled, and sometimes you have to wonder if it just looks similar to the presented image because you want it to, but other times it’s unmistakable. The opportunities if they manage to perfect this tech, and knowing the Japanese, they will! Imagine if they become able to reverse the effect! All of a sudden those 3d glasses don’t seem so nifty anymore.
+ =?
Try to think of what you could do once computers are able to visualize your thoughts! And even put pictures in your head! Starting with the small steps, there would be no need for a keyboard anymore, no mouse, no need for a human interface at all! And that’s just for starters! The next one is for the gamers! Playing a game inside your head might not seem that much more fancy than a monitor, but only if you think of it in standard terms. The most obvious difference, the game seeming to be real, is one thing, but again think of the possibilities! 360 degree vision anyone? Levitation? Could this machine be used to do more than just force pictures and shapes? What about the other senses? Smell, sounds, taste, touch? The last one would call for some interesting erotic games, but I’d stay away from pirated games if I were you. And once we’re at this stage, I’m almost at the destination I’ve been aiming for throughout the paragraph. Interaction.
As the possible bandwidth keeps growing in accordance with known laws, the possibilities for interaction by means of thoughts via one of these theoretical devices is only a few inches away. It will no longer be necessary to be a fruitcake to hear the thought of another, all you have to do is boot up your machine and log on MSN. I imagine it’ll be a lot cooler chatting with friends from across the globe while drinking tea on a cloud somewhere on Venus, don’t you think so too? Whereas I look forward to doing some mental blogging afloat in the center of the sun, while still within the confines of the four that make my headquarter.
Those are the ideas that I could come up with, and this probable future technology, these ideas are equally probable! So do me a favor you guys; Come up with something that’s batshit insane! Something utterly impossible. I want to bet a lot of money against someone that something impossible will be commonplace in 50 years, if not less.
Song of the Blog: Paranoid Android
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