Archive for the ‘IT’ Category


Lately, I’ve been closely following the work that Google is doing with their new OS, called Chromium OS (as of now). Rather than explain what it is, I offer you this video.

Now, as you can see this is a pretty cool idea. What got me thinking was, if everything is being done in read-only, so you don’t actually save stuff, obviously downloading will die completely. Since it is way tougher to cheat DRM and copying restrictions when you can’t copy the actual files, but are dependant on separate servers, this could possibly be the change in internet computing that the corporations that deal with games, music, movies etc. are all searching for. Imagine, if all your movies, your music and your games are streamed instead of saved and played, the aera of free stuff on the internet would die. The internet as the communism that it is would cease to exist.

Of course, it could go the other way, not pick up that much notice and slip by us as a pimple on the history of the internet. Personally, I think that Google has got a brilliant idea with their cloud-based OS, and I actually hope it takes off and people start designing stuff for it (Spotify, I’m looking at you to create an in-browser streaming site).

That’s all I want to let out of my head right now. Peace out, yo

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So, I have good news. Apparently, I possess hacking  skills unlike anything you have ever heard of! Allow me to elaborate:

I have a mobile broadband internet connection. So i get my internet through a USB stick, and can use it anywhere. Alas, my connection also has a 10 Gb use limit, so if i go above this my speed gets severely limited, to the point where streaming and downloading is brought to a stop. I recently reached this point. What a nuisance!!

But fear not, because I devised a clever workaround! In a moment of uncanny wisdom, genious, and hacking skills unlike anything you have read about, I had an epiphany! And just as the thought popped into my head, I spent hours working on my brilliant hack.

Ladies and gentlemen, I unplugged my USB stick, and promptly reinserted it. And VOILA!

I am a genius!

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Hi again!

I promised you a final blogg about my HTC Legend. Well, Initial reaction:

Finally. I have a phone with Spotify. With awesome apps. With Android!! With


What’s this?

Unable to start Wifi. Unable to start Wifi. BLARGH!!

[calling] Hello? Can you hear me? Dude, you’re just giving out a bzzzzzzz sound [/calling]

So i have to send my phone back, and get a new one that hopefully works. Having to do that really makes me mad. When I cash out for a brand new top-of-the-line phone, i expect it to be able to make phonecalls and wifi without throwing a fit. Durr!


Android II

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Good news, everyone. I invented a device that lets you read this in my voice!

Good news, everyone! You read this in my voice!

So, I have decided to purchase me an Android phone. More specifically, the HTC Legend:

Lovely, isn’t it? Currently, I am using a Nokia N900. The best part about it, is that it has a physical keyboard. It also has an awesome calendar function, a great notepad function and it’s awesome at multitasking. It really is quite an awesome pocket-computer with limited phone capabilities. Limited in the sense that it can not send or recieve MMSes (most noteworthy flaw). It also can’t send stuff over bluetooth, and is a bit wonky when making phonecalls.

I want an Android phone, because I miss being connected to the internet wherever I go. I miss spotify on my phone, and I miss apps. The N900 is a great phone, but it is not a capable smartphone in a market with Android and iPhone. I have ordered my phone, and be patient, await my review of it in part III.

Until then, so long friends


Android I

Android III

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Allow me to start with what is on everybodys mind. The Freedom flotilla, an international convoy of ships bearing several hundred peace activists, medicine, food, paper, building materials etc. heading towards Gaza, was boarded by Israeli navy elites. At least 9 activists were killed, they claim to have been attacked first. A few things strike me as interesting about this.

First of all, if you are the navy elite forces of one of the worlds largest military forces, you ought to be able to disarm someone with a bat without shooting them. Secondly, if you are at all familiar with war and stuff (even I know this), you don’t drop one lone soldier in the middle of the mob of people. Thats fucking retarded! Also, Israel, if you expect people to believe your side of the story, DROP THE FUCKING MEDIA BLANKET. Only sending out video tapes filmed and edited by you “proving your innocence” only broadens suspicions. But obviously if they allowed everyone to investigate and report freely, the suspicions would be confirmed quite rapidly. Part one of the blog entry is completed by this: Boycott the hell out of Israel. Free Palestine!

Android I

So i have a Nokia N900 phone. And I love it. It is awesome, and sexy and easy to use, and i really have no complaints about it. It is everything i want in a phone and moar. Unfortunately, I am a phone junkie. The thing I hate the most about phones, is that in order to afford them I have to sign an agreement to pay a smaller sum every month for a year.. 🙁

Currently I am paying for both an iphone and my dearest N900, and still i urge for another phone, more specifically an Android phone. I was supposed to buy an Android phone when i got the N900, but ended up with my N900 due to physical keyboard. Damn.

Suppose I’ll have to wait until the internet perfects an android clone for my phone. And please don’t comment on the lovely irony of most phones having Intel Atom processors. I am aware.



Android II

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