Do you ever wonder what the point of this life is? You grow up, work your butt off in school in order to do what? To get a job. Why do we get a job? So we can buy food and shelter and all the other things we want. Again, why? So that we can live alone in that shelter, make that food for ourselves and do whatever else we do. Or perhaps we do it all to prepare for a family. Why do we want a family? To pass on our genes? To feel more fulfilled? To feel less alone?
At times this life seems so monotonous and pointless. And what if this is it? What if there’s nothing after this? No heaven, no hell, no reincarnation… Maybe we are all just animals with abnormally large brains who die and simply decompose into the earth and that’s the end of it. I can sometimes understand why people turn to religion; for comfort. It’s almost unbearable to believe that what I have previously stated is the whole truth.
Still, the rationalist side of me can’t deny the rather sensible notion that our own weaknesses are what create and expand religions. Maybe us humans think we’re just too darn special to be here on this planet for no reason. But why not believe in something more? If we truly are just earthly mammals with no hope of “afterlife,” then no harm can come from believing we are part of a much bigger picture. And if there does happen to be some sort of spiritual master, then kudos!
What scares me about religion and spirituality is the fact that some of the most “faithful” people sometimes exhibit behaviors that go against my own personal set of morals- morals which have been developed through my own life experiences. For instance, many religious people believe that being gay, lesbian, bisexual, and/or transgendered is wrong and sinful and that people who demonstrate these behaviors are undeserving of equal respect. I happen to believe tolerance and love for all living things is very important. In fact, it seems like anything that spreads negativity just can’t be “right.” Also, so many horrible things are related to organized religion. Let’s look at Israel, more specifically Jerusalem. People are killing each other over a piece of land that is considered sacred only because of the particular religion they practice. How is that okay? It’s not. No part of earth should belong to any one human or any one group of people, especially if those people believe that God created the earth. Wouldn’t their God(s) want everyone to share the land? Don’t get me wrong, I’m not blaming religion for the destruction of humanity, but I am saying that religion, put into the hands of us foolish humans is an INCREDIBLY powerful weapon.
To sum this mess up, I suppose everyone goes through a stage in life when they ponder the very things I speak (or type) of. What should we believe in? Is there a God or higher power? Were we put here? If so, was there a reason? Is there any hope for our kind? I, along with many other people, am completely torn. But I’m okay with that. I think it’s okay to admit that we don’t know and probably never will know the answers to any of these questions.
Yeah…..I can’t think of a good closer so, the end.