So there are these AIG employees that have gone to the media and said that they refuse to give back the bonuses that they were given, because they see nothing morally wrong about keeping them.

Are these people truly that far removed from this world? How can anyone see that their business is going down the shitter, say oh well, and proceed to help themselves to millions of said business’s money? Anyone doing this simply must be aware of the moral implications of this action, there is no way around this. The money was given to the company so that it could survive to repay the money that they owe, so taking a piece for yourself is downright theft.

I know the AIG bonuses are old news, and they’re not really what angers me, it’s the audacity that these people come out and publicly announce that they have no ethical sense! They’re telling normal people that they think it’s perfectly okay to steal from them. They’re giving Obama the finger, and he can’t really do anything about it aside from talking to them in his mean-voice. They’re saying that having a lot of money gives you the right to take more money, no matter how rough times are for others. They are living proof that money corrupts.
The solution seems obvious to me, we must achieve Socialism.

Song of the Blog: Kryptonite


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