Demonstrations are lovely things. People rise against in unison. Against what, you ask? This time it was the conclusion of the first Pirate Bay trial. Demonstrations are wonderful ways of letting everyone know that something is wrong somewhere. Of course they’re abused every now and then, and there’s always someone who wants to abuse them all, but the concept is still beautiful. If you’ve never participated in a demonstration, this is a good time to start. I promise you you’ll love it.

Now I’ve already gone through why the sentence is one hundred percent unreasonable, so if you’re not sure about which side to chose in the matter feel, free to go back and read some of my recent posts. Whether or not they’ve trespassed any laws, demonstrating against the sentence is necessary. The system needs to be reminded for whom it was made to serve. If the people disagree with the system, then it’s always the system that has to change.
So if you’re in Sweden, don the scarf, bring your flag, and hit the streets, because history is being written, and you know you want in. What has happened is wrong, and needs to be righted. Get out there and do something about it!
Here is your Norwegian news article!
Song of the Blog: The Great Battle
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